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Your all-in-one restaurant technology solution. Technology for small and medium-sized businesses with big ambitions.


Manage your inventory, service, data, staff, and customer relationships with a single technology provider: Lightspeed.

Selling is easy: With our POS system, stocking is intuitive, selling is easy, and growth happens naturally. The fastest, most reliable point of sale backed by industry-leading support experts from every service type.

Lightspeed Loyalty: Don't hope for customers to come back, give them a reason to do so with Lightspeed Loyalty.

Lightspeed Payments: Manage one stock for all your sales. With Lightspeed Payments, manage all transactions from one place and increase security.

*MarketMan currently integrates with the following Lightspeed series: G-series, K-series, L-series, O-series, & U-series

"The Lightspeed and MarketMan partnership is going from strength to strength on a global scale. Through close engagement, transparency and hard work MarketMan and Lightspeed have put in place the programs that help all merchants succeed in the increasingly complex world of restaurant technology."
- David Marosi, Integrations Manager, Lightspeed

Site web
Régions prises en charge
Langues prises en charge
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Solutions proposées
POS, Payments, Customer Loyalty
Partenaire intégré
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