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Tenzo powers restaurant performance.

Tenzo is the powerful Restaurant PerformanceOps platform in the palm of your hands. Tenzo brings together data from all your technologies in real time, from POS to inventory management, from software to labour schedulers. Allowing restaurant operators, from Head Office to General Managers, to supercharge their restaurant's performance. Enabling better collaboration between team members, predicting sales, improving performance, hitting KPIs as well as accurately knowing what that means for labour and inventory. Remove the guesswork and never be understaffed or overstaffed again and say goodbye to food wastage. Empowering you to act and improve performance. All the time. Helping your restaurant thrive.

About Tenzo

  • Aggregate Data. Tenzo aggregates data across multiple data sources: inventory, labour, point of sale and reviews platforms.
  • Automate Reports. It gives you this information in automated email reports and a beautifully designed analytics platform.
  • Rich Insights. Tenzo delivers insights in real-time to the right person to action those insights.
  • Machine Learning. Tenzo uses machine learning and data science to forecast sales as accurately as possible, taking into account weather, events, and many other data sources.

Tenzo: Restaurant PerformanceOps

"The partnership between Tenzo and MarketMan allows mutual customers to unlock massive value from their data. Thanks to out of the box reports like menu profitability or actual vs theoretical usage, operators can drive profitability, reduce waste and optimise performance."
- Elizabeth Norton, Senior Marketing Manager, Tenzo
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