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Notch est un outil essentiel qui apporte de la précision dans le chaos de la commande de fournitures de restauration - commande numérique, facturation et paiement.


For Distributors: Notch Connect: Notch's software solution, Notch Connect consolidates all orders from your customers; those you know, those you have yet to discover. They get to view your products showcased in a clear online catalogue. You get their orders and payments all on one screen and synced seamlessly with your accounting system.

For Single and Multi-Unit Restaurants: Buyer App: On Notch, restaurants bring their entire supply chain online, and have digital connectivity from the moment a diner places an order on their POS through to an invoice arriving electronically from a distributor. Restaurants can also discover new distributors by shopping 90,000 SKUs in Toronto, Chicago, Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.

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Régions prises en charge
Langues prises en charge
Solutions proposées
Accounting, Order-Management
Partenaire industriel
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